Charles- Oh Charles, my first real true relationship. He was a chubby dark haired guy with a Georgia accent and a love for fishing and trucks. Not my type at ALL! During our almost 5 year relationship we had so many ups and downs, it was such a turmoulotus relationship. He wanted to be a kid, live with mommy and play video games all day while I wanted to get engaged, make money, and start a family. I can remember telling him "im not happy" but he would not listen. I finally decided that our relationship was not going anywhere around January 2010. It was finished. When I look back now I thank God that we didnt do all the things I wanted to do because God had bigger plans for both of us. Breaking up was probably one of the hardest things I have ever gone through. He was not only my boyfriend but he was my best friend. He was all I had ever known for a long time and I had to rebuild a life without him. I was also very close to him family and him mine so that was also another transition as well. We do not keep in contact anymore, I think it would be to weird and awkward to be friends after everything. Even though I look back and can't belive I stayed as long as I did, I learned so much about myself in that relationship and what I want out of life.
Josh- I can't even believe I have to put this in to a serious relationship catergory because it was exactly the opposite!! So before I started dating Charles at the end of high school, the previous 4 years I was obsessed with a guy named Josh. He was a bad boy. He had messy hair and glassies and hung out with the popular crowd. Throughout high school we dated (if you want to call it that). When I met Charles and we started getting serious I told Josh that we were finished and that was it. No more messing around with my heart!! After that, from what he told me later on he got into really bad drugs and his life went down hill. After Charles and I broke up I had such a smart idea (not) to call Josh and tell him that I was single and we could start off where we left off. Maybe in my vunerable brain I thought that maybe we were ment to be, maybe he was the one I was suppose to be with. So he def was not. I knew he had a lieing problem but I didnt care, I would just pretend like I knew he wasent lieing. I even almost got an apartment with him!!! I can remember sitting in the leasing office and The Fray's song "over my head" came on the radio and thinking that is exactly how I feel. Thank GOSH I didnt sign it! WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING!!!!!!! After about 3 months of dating I decided to call it quits with him. After all is said and done and I look back on that small tiny part of my life I think I may have learning the most. I learned to NEVER EVER jump into a relationship right after a break up and also if you have a bad feeling about a person do NOT continue to pretend that everything is fine. I think Josh is doing good now but I really dont know. I hope he finds what he needs in life, all I know is IT WAS NOT ME!
John - Yay!! We finally made it to my favorite my HUSBAND! We met at work, never EVER in a million trillion years thought we would EVER be in any type of relationship let alone get MARRIED! As I have mentioned in previous posts he is a lot older then me. In the biggining it mattered a lot but now I dont even think about it too much. I guess its because I've always been around adults, as soon as I got out of high school I got my real estate license and was only around older people. I never had the mentality of a normal 18 year old, I was always thinking in a business sense not a party sense. We became really close at work, he knew all about my past relationships and issues and I knew about his. We never really went through a weird dating phase because we already knew eachother so much. I'm always learning so much from him and him from me. He is amazing, he has so much passion for life and I love it. The age scared me at first a little bit but you know if it works for us who cares!! I'm so proud to be his wife and the little family we have.
So there you have it, my relationships in a nut shell! Right now life is good, I have stability and I know my husband and I are a team. He is my rock, I know we can count on eachother through thick and thin! Cheers to past relationships that taught us what we want in our future relationships and double cheers to marrying your perfect match! I will leave you with a picture of us at our wedding having a blast in the photobooth!!

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