I'm not a big fan of Valentines Day, not sure why but I really don't care about it that much. Not because I don't have a Valentine because I now have have a permanent one, I think its because everyone makes a huge deal about loving there significant other today, something they should do every day of the year! OK so I will stop being a Valentine HATER!
Anyways, last night after work I came home and started having HORRIBLE cramps and of course my monthly gift came! How happy (NOT)!! I'm tired of TTC!!!! I'm sick of thinking I'm ovulating and obviously I'm NOT! I want to be a MOM!!! You spend your whole life before the point when you decide to have a baby trying not to and when you want to....NOTHING!! I hope and pray there is nothing wrong with my husband or I. Its terrifying to think about and I google about it everyday!! I just wish I was able to just go with the flow and let God take control but its so hard! I want to be a mom, I want to see my husband be a daddy!!!! I see people all around me getting pregnant and being Mommy's its hard to want something so bad! I know there are girls out there who are going through the same thing so any support is appreciated. Sorry for the rants and complaining, I just needed to let it out!!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
15 Random Facts About ME
1) My middle name is Marie
2) I have a younger sister she is my best friend and I still think of her as a baby...even though she is 21!
3) I dream of the day when I can become a mom, I think about it everyday
4) I was runner up in a little miss NY when I was 3, my mom still can't believe a little red head won lol!
5) I moved from Upstate NY to South Florida when I was 10. I wouldn't change growing up in snow and making piles of leaves for anything.
6) I come from a family of Hair Dressers so I have never had to pay for anything doing with hair
7) Im Italian & Irish
8) Burt's Bees lip balm is a must have for me
9) I'm a total chocoholic!!! Can't get enough
10) I used to be very over weight and lost about 80 lbs. During that time I learned about self discipline and how to eat in moderation. I'm not as strict as I used to be but I know I have the will power to do anything I put my mind to
11) I have a BA in Managment, worked a full time 60+ job while going to school.
12) My husband is amazing, see below our love story. He is my best friend and has showed me what real true love is
13) I love over the top high shoes. Maybe because I'm only 5"1
14) I worked with my parents for about 3 years, they are awesome and we had so much fun
15) I gravitate towards anything glittery or pink. I'm the biggest girlie girl around!!!
2) I have a younger sister she is my best friend and I still think of her as a baby...even though she is 21!
3) I dream of the day when I can become a mom, I think about it everyday
4) I was runner up in a little miss NY when I was 3, my mom still can't believe a little red head won lol!
5) I moved from Upstate NY to South Florida when I was 10. I wouldn't change growing up in snow and making piles of leaves for anything.
6) I come from a family of Hair Dressers so I have never had to pay for anything doing with hair
7) Im Italian & Irish
8) Burt's Bees lip balm is a must have for me
9) I'm a total chocoholic!!! Can't get enough
10) I used to be very over weight and lost about 80 lbs. During that time I learned about self discipline and how to eat in moderation. I'm not as strict as I used to be but I know I have the will power to do anything I put my mind to
11) I have a BA in Managment, worked a full time 60+ job while going to school.
12) My husband is amazing, see below our love story. He is my best friend and has showed me what real true love is
13) I love over the top high shoes. Maybe because I'm only 5"1
14) I worked with my parents for about 3 years, they are awesome and we had so much fun
15) I gravitate towards anything glittery or pink. I'm the biggest girlie girl around!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Our Love Story

Today I'm linking up with "From Mrs To Mama" for a wonderful Valentines Day Post to talk about Our Love Story!

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Met in 2009, started dating 2010, Engaged and Married 2011
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
When I walked into my new job at a rental car company he was the first person I met. He was funny and sweet but we were both in relationships that were in major decline. Both of us unhappy with we're our lives were going. Once we were both able to break away from our previous relationships we both realized that we meant more to each other then anything we have ever experienced before. He is my soul mate, my everything and I'm so happy that I was blessed with such a wonderful person to be by my side.

3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
Since August 13, 2011, the most amazing day of my life
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
We were married in a tropical garden. It was a small wedding, about 100 people. I would not have had it any other way.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
I call him love bug (no idea why) and he calls me his diamond.
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
- His Heart, he is so kind and thoughtful. You can see how much he truly loves me with his whole heart and nothing less
- His Eyes, they are so blue and you can see how sincere of a person he is, when you look at them
- His love for all things Pittsburgh, at first I thought it was a little overboard but its nice to see someone so passionate about something.

7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
He proposed on 1/1/2011 as soon as the ball dropped. It was perfect, we were home, just the 2 of us after a very expensive trip to the melting pot. Could not have asked for anything better.
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
None of these, he is a Pandora charms kind of guy. Since he bought me the bracelet all of my gifts have consisted of charms for it. I think he bought it to make it easier for HIM! lol its OK though I love them!
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I'm a home body for LIFE! I LOVE staying home and just relaxing with my hubby. I think its because we never get to just relax together!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
I want to have a family with my husband. We have been TTC for a few months now and it hasn't happened yet. I want to see my husband become a dad because I know how wonderful he would be at it. It will happen....patience is not my best quality.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
Nothing Special, Probably make a nice dinner because I have off that day
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
Nope, we just spent lots of money of furniture so I'm not asking for anything
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Follow your heart and never give up if you truly feel something is right for you. My husband is older then me and I had so many people tell me I'm crazy, including my parents, sisters, friends, co workers, etc. Everyone who you usually have as a support system had turned there back on me. I knew our love was stronger and deeper then that and for the first time in my life I listened to my heart and not the other voices around me. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

Ok so let me explain the question you may have when looking at this picture and why the heck does this picture show what love means to me. First question...Why does John have socks on? Well, this picture was taken on our honey moon and my very light skinned husband had litterally 3rd degree burns on his feet from the sun so he wore socks the WHOLE time. This picture shows us, exactly how we are together. We are fun, and in love and ready for anything that comes our way.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Updates and Some New Pics!
I havent blogged in so long! The last time I blogged my husband and I were comtimplating weather or not we should fly to Pittsburgh to go see his sick mom. We decided, no matter the cost it was the right thing to do. When we got there, his mom was literally on her death bed. She could not speak very well and was extremely weak. We stayed for 2 days and had to fly back home. It was hard leaving because my husband knew that it would be the last time he would ever see his mother. It felt like a knife in my heart watching him hurt so bad. When we were in the airport, waiting for our connecting flight, Johns sister called and said that his mom was up, eating very well and wanted to get out of her room. Since then, she has been doing ok, getting dressed every day and eating very well. Its amazing and incrediable that she could go from being so sick to this. God is all around us and I feel like he knew it was not her time to go to heaven yet. I will keep updating on her as time goes on.
Another update is that I got a promotion!! I finally got the position in the company that I have been pushing for the past few months!! I will be working less and making more...who the heck wouldnt want THAT!
Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks
My Valentines Day Decor

My Husbands Birthday

My Handsome Bentley

Our Quick Visit To The Burgh

Pretty Valentines Cookies

My New WORK PANTS!!! I'm so excited about them...maybe too excited!!

Last but not least...OUR NEW COUCH!!!!!!!!!! Its is the most relaxing comfy couch EVER!!!
Another update is that I got a promotion!! I finally got the position in the company that I have been pushing for the past few months!! I will be working less and making more...who the heck wouldnt want THAT!
Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks
My Valentines Day Decor
My Husbands Birthday
My Handsome Bentley
Our Quick Visit To The Burgh
Pretty Valentines Cookies
My New WORK PANTS!!! I'm so excited about them...maybe too excited!!
Last but not least...OUR NEW COUCH!!!!!!!!!! Its is the most relaxing comfy couch EVER!!!
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