Sunday, September 18, 2011
Right now I am sitting in a beautiful hotel room in Atlanta alone. I'm here for training for 3 weeks (i'm 1 week down) and I'm alone. I have met wonderful people and have done some great things but I feel truly alone. I miss my husband so much and I feel guilty that I'm not home beng his wife. I miss my baby Bentley, I know he misses his mommy so much. He hasent been eating so well the past week. A yorkie walked through the lobby of the hotel today and I BURSTED out in tears! I miss my mom, dad, and sister so much too. I have realized while being here how much my support system means to me. My little family is there for me through thick and thin and sitting in this hotel room makes me really appricate them all much more then I ever have before. This is the first time I have ever done anything alone. I'm taking care of myself, no one is here to look out for me. Its been hard but I know deep down that this job is better for my family and I, and this trip has been a learning experience for me.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
So What Wednesday
My first link up! Kinda exciting! I have been reading "Life After I Dew" for a long time and am so excited to post my own So What's! So here goes nothing!
So What If I....
1) Am terrified to fly alone and be away from my husband for 3 weeks for training for the new job! This girl is shaking in her heels!
2) Haven't sent out my thank you cards for the wedding yet. They are stamped though :)
3) Truly believe that my co-worker is a single white female canidate! She copies everything I do! At first kinda flattering now it's just creepy!
4) Secretly hope and pray when I enter my home town (which is the town next to the one I live in now) that no one recognizes me! I hate fake convos!!
5) Love the way my husband looks in his work clothes! It's how I met him so it brings back memories!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Out With The Old....
In with the new JOB! After lots of consideration, a few sleepless nights, and lots of tears I have decided to not take a promotion at my current job and start a brand new one. This is probably one of the most riskiest moves I have ever made. I have to go to Atlanta for training and stay there for 3 weeks. Fun fact - I have only been on a plane once! I'm very nervous about the whole thing but I know it my heart I made the right move. I'm going to miss my husband and my little yorkie Bentley so much. He is going to come up and see me one of the weekends while I'm away, thank GOSH! I'm also going to miss my mom, dad, and sis. I have never been away from them for more then a week! This is a huge learning experience for me and even though I'm scared, I know this is a good thing for me and my family. Wish me luck!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Things I'm Loving

This baby is AMAZING!! There are so many different things you can do with it! Dough mixing, food processing you name it. My husband has been juicing with it and he is loving it. I myself can not get used to the juicing, the pulp is just nasty!

Planners are probably on my top 10 favorite things in life. I can not live without one. It helps me sort out all of the things in my brain and keep them in one place. I ordered this one last week and hope it gets here SOON!

Flower Bomb is literaly the BOMB! It smells so beautiful, so fresh and clean! I usually wear Bond 9 or Angel but this is my all time fave!!

Pretty nails make me happy! I love how easy they are to put on and how there are no bubbles or chips. My personal faves are the leopard and the pink sparkles.

If you have a publix near you I would suggest dropping everything and running to pick up an Publix Aprons Recipe binder. Every week publix puts out FREE recipes to put in your binder. They are SO easy to follow and always taste GREAT! They also come with a shopping list so you know exactly what to buy and exactly what asle to but it from. This new wife likes simple and this is as simple as it gets!
What are some things that your loving?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wedding Day - Part 2
So as I sit in the car and look outside at the rain all my fears hit me at once. Would I be able to get married at the garden I dreamed about? Would everything have to be changed? I think as those thoughts were going through my mind I was hyperventalating on the outside. My dad was sitting next to me in the car and was trying to calm me down. After the rain went away a rainbow came out so Im pretty sure that was a sign that everything would be fine. After about 10 min one of my beautiful bridesmaids came to the car and said it was time. I had so much going on in my brain. I felt every emotion you could think of all
bottled up into one! As I walk with my dad to the aisle and see all these people who I love and cherish, my dad said something to me that I will never forget "they are all here for you Britt". I could not believe all these people were here to witness this magical moment. It was amazing. I looked at my future husband waiting for me and felt a sense of ease and a sense of peace. All the mistakes I've made, all the good and bad choices I choose to make brought me to that moment. Everything had finally fallen into place. The ceremony was beautiful, saying vows to eachother was amazing. I found the man of my dreams and now I get to wake up next to him for the rest of my life. He has completed me in so many ways. The ceremony was beautiful, breath taking actually. I'll save the reception for a different post :). For any Steelers fans out there, there were lots of terrible towels being swung! Xoxo
bottled up into one! As I walk with my dad to the aisle and see all these people who I love and cherish, my dad said something to me that I will never forget "they are all here for you Britt". I could not believe all these people were here to witness this magical moment. It was amazing. I looked at my future husband waiting for me and felt a sense of ease and a sense of peace. All the mistakes I've made, all the good and bad choices I choose to make brought me to that moment. Everything had finally fallen into place. The ceremony was beautiful, saying vows to eachother was amazing. I found the man of my dreams and now I get to wake up next to him for the rest of my life. He has completed me in so many ways. The ceremony was beautiful, breath taking actually. I'll save the reception for a different post :). For any Steelers fans out there, there were lots of terrible towels being swung! Xoxo
Friday, September 2, 2011
My Wedding Day
August 13, 2011 was the most magical day I have ever experienced. It was full of family and friends who I am so blessed to have in my life! When I woke up that day I wasent nervous, I was so excited to marry the man of my dreams! I spent the morning and afternoon with my bridesmaids watching the best show ever created ....boy meets world!! It was so great watching Cory and Topangas love story with my girls! When 3pm arrived we started getting ready and everything was kind of a blur from there. The photographer came, and I was loving it! As soon as the photographer had my dad and I pose I starter bursting into tears! I couldn't believe this was the day I was getting married and becoming a wife to someone! I've been a daughter, sister, girlfriend, ex girlfriend, fiancé but not a wife! I was scared but excited all at the same time. After the tear fest came to a close the driver was there to pick up the girls and bring me to my man!! When we got to the garden I sat in the car while all my girls piled out. Then the rain came.......
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